Women’s Mental Health

Welcome to our Women’s Mental Health services, where we provide compassionate support tailored to your unique journey.

Whether you’re navigating life transitions, managing stress, or seeking deeper emotional well-being, we’re here to help you thrive.

The entire family benefits when moms are supported!

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New Motherhood

Are you struggling with anxiety or mood swings during pregnancy or during your child’s first two years of life?

Feeling overwhelmed by the challenges of caring for a newborn?

Wondering if you might be experiencing a perinatal or postpartum mood or anxiety disorder (PMAD)?

Did you know that 1 in 5 Moms and 1 in 10 Dads suffer from postpartum depression?  You are not alone and we can help!

Read more about how we support parents with postpartum depression and other postpartum mood and anxiety disorders (PMADS)

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Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)

Do you experience intense mood or physical symptoms in the week or so before your period?

Do your experiences feel more intense than ‘just PMS’?

People suffering from PMDD experience repeated disruptions in their lives because of hormone-related mood and physical symptoms. Your symptoms are real and worth addressing. Therapy, and particularly Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can help!

Our Goals:

  • Provide support and validation.
  • Help menstruating people learn to predict and manage symptoms of PMDD.
  • Teach coping skills to help support emotion regulation.
  • Prevent PMDD from interfering with important life goals and event.
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The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 1 in 6 people of reproductive age experience infertility in their lifetime. This can be emotionally devastating for women and men whose plans to have children have been interrupted by infertility.

Infertility can lead to feelings of shame, despondency, loss and isolation. It can also be a strain on couples who have to plan their intimacy around ovulation.

We can help. Providing compassion and empathy, Launch clinicians discuss the feelings surrounding infertility and work to help individuals shift thinking so that they feel less overwhelmed by their emotions. Encouraging wellness, joy and relaxation in the lives of their clients, Launch clinicians help clients to get through infertility treatment with hope and resilience.

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Perimenopause and Menopause can be difficult life stages for women. Hormonal changes have wide-ranging effects on our physical and mental health. These changes influence thoughts and feelings about the body, identity, sexuality, cognition, and health. Without support, menopause can be a time of change that is fraught with loss and shame.

Launch clinicians work to connect with women around these difficult thoughts and feelings and provide psychoeducation about this time of change. In addition, Launch clinicians teach CBT skills, sleep hygiene, and wellness strategies to help clients cope more effectively. In addition, they help individuals come to a better understanding of their identity, hopes, goals and joys at this time of life.

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Empty Nesters

Some mothers cry at kindergarten drop off with the far away awareness that someday their child will move on and move out. When one becomes an empty nester, some of us experience heart-wrenching feelings of sadness and loss. Although a wide range of feelings are normal when we begin to think about sending our children out into the world, it is time to seek help if you become so sad that it interrupts your functioning and your enjoyment of life.

We can help. Launch clinicians treat these clients with compassion and care. We teach cognitive behavioral strategies and dialectical behavior therapy to move Empty Nesters from a place of sadness to a new beginning. In addition, we work to increase joy and teach wellness strategies such as relaxation skills and mindfulness strategies.

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Autoimmune Illnesses

Did you know that, compared to men, women have up to 4x the likelihood of developing an autoimmune disease?

Many of these diseases are difficult to diagnose and treat, leaving their sufferers to manage chronic pain, fatigue, or other symptoms.

Managing chronic symptoms can take a toll on your mental health—but we can help!

Our clinicians know that your pain and other symptoms are real and need to be taken seriously.  We can work with you to learn strategies to reduce their impact on your day-to-day life so that you can pursue the things that are important to you and live your richest, most satisfying life.  Please don’t suffer alone!