Teen Mental Health

Supporting teen mental health is crucial for their growth and well-being.

We offer tailored care to help teens navigate the challenges they face and build resilience for a brighter future.

An illustration of a young boy with his face in his hands surrounded by clouds with lightning

Adolescence can be emotionally challenging – we can help!

Maybe you are concerned about:

  • Maintaining attention or focus or learning to manage symptoms of ADHD
  • Lack of self-confidence, energy, or motivation
  • Overwhelming worries about the future, fitting in with friends, school or sports performance, etc.
  • Withdrawing from valued people or activities
  • Peer pressure or bullying
  • Physical appearance or body image
  • Gender identity development

We aim to empower teens to overcome challenges and thrive emotionally.

Our Goals:

  • Learn strategies to promote self-regulation and emotional success
  • Provide teens with a safe space to discuss their emotions and experiences
  • Increase ability to tolerate difficult emotions
  • Improve the ability to express and advocate for emotional needs with adults and peers
  • Build self-confidence and self-esteem